Blood Donation and the Power of Self-Judgement: A Reflection on Will Alexander’s Poetry

🌟 “The body as deserted burning witness as ghost as primeval leper that attempts to lessen its own ruin by telepathic power beyond its state as catastrophic cretin in judgement of itself as toneless mirage being factor by phoneme by nerveless adventure as powerless stride that corroded its own apparition.” – Will Alexander, “Powerless Self-Judgement”

In the world of poetry, few voices resonate with the raw power and profound insight of Will Alexander. His poem, “Powerless Self-Judgement,” presents the body as a witness, a ghost, a being that strives to lessen its own existence. This imagery, while stark, can be seen as a metaphor for the act of blood donation.

The Body as a Burning Witness

💉 When we donate blood, our bodies become witnesses to an act of selfless giving. We sit in the donation chair, watch the needle pierce our skin, and observe as a part of us is taken away to save another. Our bodies bear witness to this act, just as Alexander’s body in his poem bears witness to its own existence. The body, in its deserted burning state, is a testament to the transformative power of blood donation.

The Ghostly Act of Giving

👻 The act of blood donation can also be seen as a ghostly act. Our blood, once it leaves our bodies, takes on a life of its own. It travels to hospitals and clinics, where it is used to save lives, to bring people back from the brink of death. In this way, our blood becomes a ghost of us, a part of us that continues to exist and make a difference in the world even after it has left our bodies.

Lessening Our Own Existence

🌍 Alexander’s poem speaks of the body attempting to lessen its own ruin, a powerful metaphor for the act of giving blood. When we donate blood, we are lessening a part of our physical existence, giving it away for the benefit of others. Yet, in doing so, we are not diminishing ourselves. Instead, we are enriching the world, contributing to the cycle of life, and affirming the interconnectedness of all beings.

The Power of Self-Judgement

🔮 The poem ends with the image of a “powerless stride that corroded its own apparition,” a potent symbol of self-judgement and transformation. This can be related to the act of blood donation, where we willingly part with a piece of ourselves, a stride that may seem powerless but is, in fact, a powerful act of self-judgement and transformation.


🌈 Blood donation, like poetry, is a powerful act of self-expression and self-judgement. It is a way for us to engage with the world, to make a difference, and to affirm our interconnectedness with all beings. So, let us take inspiration from Will Alexander’s “Powerless Self-Judgement,” and consider how we can use our bodies, our blood, to create a better world.

Please note that this is a creative interpretation of the poem and its connection to blood donation. For a more accurate understanding of the poem, I recommend reading it in its entirety.

Is it Good or Bad to Donate Blood?

Blood donation is a topic that often sparks curiosity. Many people wonder about the pros and cons of this selfless act. While there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding blood donation, the truth is that donating blood is overwhelmingly beneficial, not just for the recipients but for the donors as well. Let’s delve into the reasons why donating blood is a good idea.

1. Saving Lives 🌟

The most obvious and compelling reason to donate blood is the potential to save lives. Every pint of blood donated can help up to three patients in need. Whether it’s a trauma victim, a cancer patient, or a person undergoing surgery, donated blood is a lifeline.

2. Health Benefits for the Donor 💪

Contrary to some beliefs, donating blood can have several health benefits for the donor:

  • Iron Regulation: Regular blood donation helps in regulating iron levels in the body. Accumulation of iron in the body can be harmful and has been linked to certain diseases. Donating blood ensures that excess iron is removed from the bloodstream.
  • Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Some studies suggest that regular blood donors have a lower risk of certain diseases, including some types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Liver Health: Keeping iron levels in check can also benefit liver function and reduce the risk of liver diseases.

3. Free Health Check-up 🩺

Before you donate blood, you’ll undergo a mini health check-up. This includes checking your hemoglobin levels, blood pressure, and overall health status. It’s a quick way to stay updated about your health.

4. Psychological Boost 🌈

Knowing that you’ve made a difference in someone’s life can give you a psychological boost. The act of giving, especially something as personal as your blood, can elevate your mood and give you a sense of purpose.

5. Community Building 🤝

Blood donation drives often bring communities together. Participating in these events can help foster a sense of community and collective responsibility.

6. It’s Safe 🔒

Some people worry about the safety of donating blood. Rest assured, the process is safe. New, sterile equipment is used for each donor, ensuring that there’s no risk of contracting diseases.

Are There Any Downsides?

While the benefits of blood donation are numerous, it’s essential to note that donors should be in good health. There are temporary restrictions for those who have traveled to certain countries, have specific health conditions, or are on certain medications. It’s always a good idea to consult with the blood donation center about any concerns.

Moreover, after donating, one might feel a bit lightheaded. It’s recommended to rest, have a snack, and hydrate post-donation. These feelings are temporary and usually resolve within a few hours.


So, is it good or bad to donate blood? The answer is clear. The benefits of blood donation, both for the donor and the recipient, far outweigh any temporary discomforts. By donating blood, you’re not just saving lives; you’re also taking a step towards better health and well-being. If you’re eligible and in good health, consider making blood donation a regular part of your life. Your body will thank you, and more importantly, so will countless others. 🩸❤️